
Forever and Always

17 January, 2011

So Close

I cannot believe that we are this close to graduation. In 15 days I will be getting on a plane and flying to watch my husband graduate from Basic Training. These last few days are excruciating! I feel as though the closer we get the harder it is. I did a very silly thing yesterday and got my hopes up for a phone call. I was thinking that since it is the end of week 7, and he is in "Blue Phase", and it was Sunday, that he would have been able to call. I know that I should never ever get my hopes up for a phone call, but I did and boy when I realized that he wasn't going to call it was a rough night. It was a rough night but I made it through.

Then came the weird Monday Morning. My husband is in a moral dilemma and I want so bad to help, but I can't. I found out today that there are a few soldiers that have chosen to hide their cell phones and keep them after Exodus leave was over. They have been using them and it has gotten around. My husband wants to tell, but is being pressured not to by the other soldiers who know for fear that if those few get caught they will all be punished. You know the one person screws up, everyone pays mentality of the Army. It wouldn't be such a big deal for him except that one of the soldiers who has his phone hidden and is using it when he is not supposed to it up for Solider of the Cycle against Jeff. This soldier does not possess the basic Army values so how can he be looked at as a leader? I have faith that my husband will do what he feels is right in his heart.

This Saturday my husband will be taking his End Of Cycle PT test, he has been working his little tail off to get a perfect 300 and I am going to be sending extra prayers this Saturday that he accomplishes his goal! I know he can do it!

So that is all for now back to counting and hoping for some sort of word from my Dear Husband.

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